Algorithmic Contributions to the CFD2030 Grand Challenge Problems
Presented at Special Session for Antony Jameson at the AIAA Scitech2020 Conference, Orlando, FL, January 2020.
(2.7 MByte pdf )
Progress in CFD Discretizations Algorithms and Solvers for Aerodynamic Flows
Presented at the AIAA Aviation 2019 Conference, Dallas TX, June 2019.
(3.8 MByte pdf )
A Residual Smoothing Strategy for Newton Method Continuation
Presented at the 15th Copper Mountain Conference on Iterative Methods, March 2018.
(1.2 MByte pdf )
High-Fidelity Aerospace Simulations in the Exascale Era
Presented at the 23rd AIAA Computational Fluid Dynamics Conference, Denver CO, June 2017
AIAA 207-CFD-15
(2 MByte pdf )
High Performance Computational Science and Engineering: Using Mathematics and Computer Science to Solve Complex Engineering Problems
Presidents talk at the University of Wyoming, Laramie WY, April 20th 2017.
Recorded Talk
CFD Vision 2030 Study: A Path to Revolutionary Computational Aerosciences
Final presentation at NASA Langley Research Center, Hampton VA, November 14, 2013.
(5 Mbyte pptx)
(2 MByte pdf )
Adjoint Based Sensitivity Analysis for Computational Fluid Dynamics
Keynote talk at MUSAF2 Colloquium, Toulouse, France, September 18-20, 2013.
(60 Mbyte pptx)
(4 MByte pdf )
Adjoint-Based Unsteady Airfoil Design Optimization with Application to Dynamic Stall
Talk delivered at the AHS Forum 68, Fort Worth TX, May 2012.
(1.2 Mbyte ppt)
Validation of the Sate-of-the-Art of CFD through Community Workshops
Talk delivered at the 3AF Symposium on Aerodynamcis, Paris, France, March 2012.
(15.7 Mbyte pptx)
(5.7 MByte pdf )
Derivative Enhanced Variable Fidelity Kriging Approach
Talk delivered at the AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting, Orlando FL, January 2011.
(5.7 Mbyte ppt)
Design Optimization using a Gradient/Hessian Enhanced Surrogate Model
Talk delivered at the AIAA Fluid Dynamics Conference, Chicago, IL, June 2010.
(5 Mbyte ppt)
University of Wyoming Contribution to the First High-Lift Prediction Workshop
Talk delivered at the 1st AIAA High Lift Prediction Workshop, Chicago, IL, June 2010.
(3 Mbyte pdf)
Results from the 4th Drag Prediction Workshop using NSU3D
Talk delivered at 4th AIAA Drag Prediction Workshop, San Antonio TX, June 2009.(5 Mbyte ppt)
(5 Mbyte ppt)
Sensitivity Analysis Methods for Optimization, Error Estimation, and Uncertainty Quantification.
Talk delivered at AFRL, WPAFB, Dayton OH, June 2009.(10Mbyte ppt)
(5 Mbyte ppt)
High Performance Computational Engineering: Putting the E back in CSE.
Talk delivered at the Parallel CFD Conference, NASA Ames Research Center, May 2009. (18Mbyte ppt)
(18 Mbyte ppt)
Grid Quality and Resolution Issues from the Drag Prediction Workshop Series
Presentation given at the AFRL Short Course on Uncertainty Quantification, May 12 2009 (17Mbyte ppt)
(17 Mbyte ppt)
Complete list of talks from session: Role of HPC in Aerospace Engineering
AIAA Aerospace Meeting, Reno NV, Jan 7-10, 2008
Click here for the list of talks.
High-Order Spatial and Temporal Methods for Simulation and
Sensitivity Analysis of High-Speed Flows
Presentation given at the NASA-AFOSR Joint Program Review, Nov 2008.
(4 Mbyte ppt)
Adjoint-Based Sensitivity Analysis for Computational Fluid Dynamics
Presentation given at Los Alamos National Laboratory, July 29, 2008
(5 Mbyte pdf)
Unstructured Grid Technology for CFD: Flow Solver Perspectives
Unstructured Grid Technology for CFD
State-of-the-art, State-of-the-practice and Future Directions
March 26-27, 2008
REEF Conference Center, Eglin, FL
Organized By: CFD Functional Area, PET Program DoD, HPCMP, UAB
(4 Mbyte pdf)
High-Order Spatial and Temporal Methods for Simulation and
Sensitivity Analysis of High-SPeed Flows
NASA Hypersonics Program review San Antonio TX, January 23 2008
(14 Mbyte pdf)
Some Long Term Experiences in HPC Programming for CFD Problems
Symposium on Turbulence and Dynamos at Petaspeed, NCAR Boulder CO, October 2007
(5 Mbyte ppt)
Error Estimation and Control for Unsteady Flow Problems with
Dynamic Meshes using a Discrete Adjoint Approach
ACE Workshop at North Carolina State University, NCSU, September 2007
(4 Mbyte ppt)
Petaflops Opportunities for the NASA Fundamental Aeronautics Program
Invited talk delivered at 18th AIAA CFD Conference, Miami FL, June 2007
(11 Mbyte pdf)
Unstructured Mesh Discretizations and Solvers for Computational Aerodynamics
Invited talk delivered at 18th AIAA CFD Conference, Miami FL, June 2007
(5 Mbyte ppt)
Results from the 3rd Drag Prediction Workshop using the NSU3D Unstructured Mesh Solver
Talk delivered at AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting, Reno NV, Jan 2007
(2 Mbyte ppt)
A Discrete Adjoint-Based Approach for Optimization Problems
on Three-Dimensional Unstructured Meshes
AIAA talk Reno NV, Jan 2006
(0.4 Mbyte ppt)
Progress in Unstructured Mesh Techniques
Talk presented Boeing Commercial Aircraft Seattle, Nov 18, 2005
(6 Mbyte ppt)
High Resolution Aerospace Applications on the NASA Columbia Supercomputer
Talk presented at SC05, Seattle, Nov 17, 2005
(7 Mbyte ppt)
Grid Resolution Study of a Drag Prediction Workshop Configuration
using the NSU3D Unstructured Mesh Solver
Talk presented at 23rd AIAA Applied Aerodynamics Conference, Toronto, CA, June 2005
(0.8 Mbyte ppt)
Presentation for workshop at Stanford Universitry
Talk presented at in Honor of Prof. A. Jameson's 70th birthday
(0.9 Mbyte ppt)
Drag Prediction using NSU3D
Presentation for the 2nd AIAA Drag Prediction Workshop, June 2003
(0.6 Mbyte ppt)
Revisiting the Least-Squares Gradient Procedure for Gradient Construction on Unstructured Meshes
Presentation for the AIAA paper 2003-3986, presented at the AIAA CFD conference, Orlando, FL, June 2003.
(0.6 Mbyte ppt)
Computational Aerodynamics Using Unstructured Meshes
Presentation at the National Institute of Aerospace (NIA) Informal Seminar, NIA Headquarters, Hampton, VA, March 21, 2003.
(4.5 Mbyte ppt)
Drag Prediction using Unstructured Mesh Solvers
Presentation for the VKI Lecture on Drag Prediction, Von Karman Institute for Fluid Dynamics, Rhode St Genese, Belgium, Feb 3-7th, 2003.
(9.5 Mbyte ppt)
Drag Prediction using Unstructured Mesh Solvers
VKI Lecture Notes for above presentation, Feb 3-7th, 2003.
(10 Mbyte pdf)
Unstructured Mesh Related Issues in CFD-based Analysis and Design
Invited talk delivered at the 11th International Meshing Roundtable, Ithaca NY, Sept 17th, 2002.
(5.5 Mbyte ppt)
The Development of Unstructured Grid Methods for Computational Aerodynamics
Talk delivered in the Depart. of Mech and Aerospace Engineering, Cornell University, Ithaca NY, Sept 17th, 2002.
(4.2 Mbyte ppt)
The Development of Unstructured Grid Methods for Computational Aerodynamics
Talk delivered at University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, April 29th, 2002
(4 Mbyte pdf)
Transonic Drag Prediction using an Unstructured Multigrid Solver
Presenting a summary of the final results from the AIAA Drag predicion workshop using NSU3D
Talk delivered at 40th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting, Reno NV, Jan 2002.
(4 Mbyte pdf)