Dr. Dimitri J. Mavriplis

Lab Director

Our research is concerned with the development of unstructured mesh methods for computational fluid dynamics. These include discretization methods, solution methods such as multigrid and implicit methods for steady-state and time-accurate simulations, unstructured grid generation techniques and adaptive and moving mesh strategies.

We are also interested in design optimization methods, and the efficient solution of coupled fluid-structural problems. All these efforts are performed in a parallel computing environment. The application areas include aerodynamics of commercial aircraft and business jets, and unsteady aeroelastic effects.

Dr. Zhi Yang

Post Doctoral Researcher

Zhi's research is focused on unsteady aeroelastic simulation methods as well as mesh curving techniques.

Dr. Michael Brazell

Post Doctoral Researcher

Mike's research focuses on high-order on both continuous and discontinuous finite element methods. Applications of his research include indoor air-quality, aerodynamics, and wind energy.

Dr. Behzad R. Ahrabi

Post Doctoral Researcher
Personal Website

Behzad's research interestes are developing robust parallel algorithms for turbulent flows on unstructured grids. These techniques are applied using finite element methods with adjoint-based error estimation with h/p-adaption and shape optimization.

PhD Students

Andrew Kirby


Andrew's research is in high-order methods for large-scale simulations. Particularly, he is the main developer of the off-body Discontinuous Galerkin solvers CartDG and SAMCartDG.

CartDG is a static Cartesian solver that has been shown to scale to over one million MPI ranks on Argonne National Lab's Mira supercomputer. SAMCartDG is a dynamically adaptive solver that utilizes LLNL's SAMRAI framework and CartDG as the kernel solver. These solvers are used in the dual-mesh, dual-solver wind and aerospace application solver developed in the High Altitude CFD Laboratory. He has additional interests in High Performance Computing and new computer architectures such as GPUs and manycore architectures.

Evan Anderson


Evan Anderson got his bachelor's and master's degree in mechanical engineering at the University of Wyoming. As an undergraduate student he was an active member of tau beta pi and interned with Firehole technologies, now Autodesk. After graduating in 2010, he completed doctoral coursework at the University of Colorado at Boulder, before spending two years abroad in China where he taught English at the Guangxi University of Finance and Economics. He returned to the University of Wyoming in 2014 to complete his doctoral work.

Evan's technical expertise includes programming and finite element structural simulations. His research interests include optimization of fluid/structural systems and high performance computing, as well as computational materials science and applications in renewable energy.

Donya Ramezanian


Donya received her bachelor degree from the University of Tehran in mechanical engineering. She started her PhD in fall 2013. Her research explores time spectral methods in periodic problems such as helicopter rotor, oscillatory pitching airfoil/wing, and turbomachinery flows.

Anthony Edmonds


Anytony's research is exploring new computer architectures for various computation fluid dynamics (CFD) methods. With a particular interest in Graphic Processing Units (GPU). Prior to joining Dr. Mavriplis's CFD lab, Anthony worked for HydroComp, Inc, a Naval Architecture software company. In 2014 he graduated from the University of New Hampshire with a Bachelors of Science in Mechanical Engineering.

Soudeh Kamali


Soudeh started her PhD in the Spring of 2016. Her research focus is in multidisciplinary optimization and design. She intends to work on aerothermoelasticity shape optimization. She has a background in electrical engineering and space system engineering.

Emmett Padway


Emmett's research focus is in aerodynamic shape optimization. He is developing a method to compute the adjoint in partially converged flows, as well as filtering methods of primal flows to help converge the adjoint system.

During his last year of his undergraduate degree he was a research assistant with the McGill Computational Aerodynamics Group under Professor Nadarajah.

Former Lab Members

Troy Lake

MS graduate: coupling adaptive mesh refinement and design optimization (2016)

Enrico Fabiano

PhD graduate: aeroacoustic adjoint sensitivity (2016)

Asitav Mishra

Post doctorial researcher: unsteady adjoint methods (2015)

Nathan Mundis

PhD graduate: unsteady time spectral methods (2014)

Karthik Mani

Post doctorial researcher and PhD graduate: unsteady adjoint methods (2014)

Bryan Flynt

PhD graduate: adjoint based adaptive mesh refinement (2013)

Taisuke Nambu

Visiting student: adjoint based shape optimization (2013)

Nick Burgess

PhD graduate: adaptive discontinuous Galerkin methods (2011)

Brian Lockwood

PhD graduate: adjoint methods for uncertainty quantification for hypersonic flows (2012)

Markus Rumpfkeil

Post doctorial researcher: Hessian methods

Cristian Nastase

Post doctorial researcher: discontinuous Galerkin multigrid solvers

Li Wang

PhD graduate: adjoint based h-p adaptive Discontinuous Galerkin methods (2009)

Jing Liu

MS graduate: multigrid methods for Lattice Boltzmann equation (2007)

Wataru Yamazaki

Visiting student: optimization and error estimation (2006)