January 6-7, 2018
Preceeding the AIAA Scitech 2018 Conference
Gaylord Palms Resort and Convention Center
Kissimmee, FL, USA
Workshop Objectives:
Over the last four decades, computational fluid dynamics (CFD) and other multidisciplinary computational simluation tools
have had a profound impact on aerospace engineering for airframes and propulsion systems for both aeronautical and space applications.
The rapid progress in CFD and other simulation tools would not have been possible without the revolutionary advances in
computer hardware following Moore's law.
At the same time, many of the capabilities taken for granted today have their roots in the fields of applied mathematics and computer science.
These include the development of optimal solvers, high-order accurate methods, and adjoint techniques based on advances in applied mathematics,
as well as new paradigms for heterogeneous parallel computing and integration of increasingly complex and multidisciplinary software drawing on
advances in the field of computer science.
Today, more than ever before, with the advent of exascale computing and the growth in problem sizes that demand suitable asymptotically
scaling techniques, a strong interplay between these fields is necessary in order to enable significant advances in simulation capability.
As noted in the NASA CFD Vision 2030 report, the potential for revolutionary advances in aerospace simulation technologies
has been hindered by a declining interplay between these fundamental fields over the last decade or more.
The focus of this workshop will be to explore past, present and future contributions of applied mathematics and computer science
for simulation-based aerospace applications, and to motivate the case for increased interdisciplinary contributions between these fields.
For these purposes, workshop presentations will include a combination of fundamental research and applied aerospace CFD work.
Looking to the past, this is also a good juncture to review and celebrate major past achievements in the field.
One of the major incubators to foster research in the field was the Institute for Computer Applications in Science and Engineering (ICASE)
at NASA Langley Research Center, which was founded by extolling the promise of “super-computers” and thrived on the interface between
fluid dynamics, applied mathematics and computer science. It is anticipated that a number of former ICASE staff members will attend the workshop
to look back at ICASE’s contributions and honor Dr. Manuel Salas, who was the second longest serving ICASE director from 1996 to 2002.
The conference organization is chaired by Dimitri Mavriplis of the University of Wyoming with support from NASA's Transformational Tools and Technologies Project (TTT).
Conference logistics are being handled by American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA).
The workshop will take place on the weekend preceeding the AIAA Scitech 2018 Conference at the
Gaylord Palms Resort and Convention Center in Kissimmee FL.
A block of rooms has been reserved as part of the AIAA Scitech Conference.
Reservations can be made through the AIAA Scitech Conference web site or by calling the hotel directly at 1-407-586-0000
Click here for additional information on workshop venue from AIAA
Registration is being handled by AIAA in conjunction with the Scitech 2018 Conference.
Early registration starts on September 8 and closes on December 12, 2017.
Late registration is available up until the start of the workshop.
Click here to register for the workshop.
Program Committee:
- Dimitri Mavriplis, University of Wyoming, Chair
- Mujeeb Malik, NASA Langley Research Center, Co-chair
- Venkat Venkatakrishnan, Siemens PLM
- Boris Diskin, National Institute of Aerospace
- Li-Shi Luo, Old Dominion University
- David Keyes, KAUST